Saturday, March 15, 2014

A positive outlook matters!

As I woke up in Durban South Africa overlooking the Indian Ocean and enjoying a few quiet moments before the day started I listened to the waves crash below and watched the sun slowly rise and I remembered a quote from a mentor of mine years before..."Always make your future bigger than your past."  It is the first law in the the book "Laws of Lifetime Growth."

There is something special about a sunrise, a new day, the excitement and energy working towards your goals, serving others, and helping make the world a better place.

In recent days I have spoken with a number of people who are going through some struggles whether due to the economy or in their personal life.  Those who are having the worse time have an attitude that their best days are behind them and their future is dire, uncertain, and will be less rewarding.

It is very difficult to win and have success with this mindset.  Those people who I see overcoming big obstacles in their lives and achieving success have one thing in common...they all have a contagious enthusiasm and positive attitude that their best days are in front of them and great things are in store. When you believe comes true.

Focus on the positive.  Live an empowered life.  Take massive action every day to achieve your goals. Always look for ways to help and serve others while you are on the journey.  Shed negative thoughts, people, and situations.  If you do this daily great things are in store for you!

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