Remember standing on the edge of a diving board as a child wanting to jump but being afraid? The first time we walked up to that edge fear griped us and held us back but once we found the courage to take the leap it ushered in a summer of fun and we never looked back. Never again were we afraid of making that jump. We actually wondered why we were so scared in the first place.
My daughter London spent most of last summer scared to jump off the diving board but once she worked up the courage to do it we could not keep her off it. Life is the same way. Many times we let fear hold us back from taking the leap to something better. We can't let fear hold us back. We need to exercise conquering our fears daily. This is a critical life skill and it is even more important to be successful in this new economy. If you are afraid to take the leap you might miss your greatest opportunity. To read my full article on this topic go to